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Saturday, March 26, 2011

PAUL Movie Review.

PAUL is a movie about two British nerds who travel to San Diego Comic Con, who along the way encounter a foul mouthed alien. Starring common comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz) who also together wrote the script, also starring Seth Rogen (Pinapple Express, The Green Hornet) As Paul. Greg Mottola (Superbad, Adventureland) is the director of this film, who brings some of his many familiar traits to the film. The movie centers around the characters Clive Gollings(Nick Frost) and Graeme Willy(Simon Pegg) two british nerds who dreamt of traveling to the biggest comic book convention, San Diego Comic Con. Both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost automatically have that unique connection they share with each other, having been in many movies together nothing more is expected but that sense of true friendship between the two. After experiencing the convention the traveling duo decide to take a road trip to the biggest extraterrestrial spots.(i.e Area 51, the black mailbox.) Along the way our two protagonist begin to enter in a series of "fim" events otherwise known as realistically unbelievable events. They bump into two redneck characters who automatically come off as homophobic stereotypical american rednecks (wearing traditional redneck attire, drives a truck called "The Fuck Mobile" and is immediately hostile.) After having some misfortune  with the rednecks they continue their journey. It's not until they actually meet the character paul that their adventure truly begins and the movie picks up. As the trip to get Paul back home ensues so does the heavy laughs. The CGI on Paul is something to admire, given the fact that paul himself looks like a generic drawing of the same cartoon and twilight zone-ish alien we've all seen. Even when taking that into account Paul's movements and facial expressions are top notch. Scenes where he physically interact with the human characters don't look tacky or fake. You can really get a sense that although you know he's not really there,  it still feels right and real. The movie borrows itself from other famous movies and even parodies it, movies such as E.T, Star Wars (There were countless star wars and star trek references in the movie some were hidden.) But of course with every comedic science fiction movie you have the group of idiotic bad guys. This movie is no different, the villains include Jason Bateman as special agent zoil. Bateman tends to surprise you in some scenes, truth be told his character is kind of a bad ass. Along with Bateman you have two other agents to serve as the comic relief next to Zoil. Bill Hader(SNL, Adventureland) and Joe Lo Truglio (Role Models) are the idotic and honestly semi funny agents who tag along unexpected. In total the film is kind of a hit and miss, sometimes it tends to beat you over the head with movie/sci fi references so frequently it doesn't give you a chance to breathe. Even with that small problem the movie in itself is still funny. For a comedy movie from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost you kind of have to know what to expect. If you liked Shaun of the dead you will most likely think this movie is funny, if you're a geek or a nerd then you will most likely think this movie is funny. This is a movie that knows its targeted audience and knows them well, the movie may have tiny quirks however as a whole its one of the most enjoyable movie you can possibly see. The humor is there and the chemistry between everyone feels natural and none of it is forced. If you're looking for a movie to just gaze at, relax and have a good laugh then this is it.  Paul gets a Ticket Price, worth seeing in theaters especially if you're with friends.