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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Been gone for a while

Its been a while since I've written a review or posted anything. But I will be getting back into the grove of things. In June many games will be released and I will be sure to write my review for them.

Games I look forward too in June

Alice Madness Returns
Release date : June 14th 2011
I have been waiting for this game for years. Having played the original years back as a child it is very exciting that this title is so close. One can only imagine how the story will turn, with its original and unique twist on an old favorite Alice Madness Returns should be another classic.

Duke Nukem Forever
Release date : June 14th 2011
There should be no explanation as to why the Duke has highly anticipated game release. A game that has been through development hell and back starting its cycle in 1997. From the videos being shown and all the absurd crude macho humor packed in the game, Duke Nuke Forever will definitely worth the years of waiting. Also the demo will be released June 3rd.

The Legen Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D
Release date : June 19th 2011
It's no secret that me being the zelda fanboy that I am will be more than happy to get a hold of this game. With the release date coming closer and closer, this game isn't just a remake its much more. I mean sure nostalgia plays a major part for the title. But with all the features added on and tweaks done, this won't just me a stroll own memory lane but a whole new adventure with familiar faces. Ocarina Of Time being one of my favorite Zelda games (Others being Majora's Mask, Oracle Of Seasons, A link To The Past, Twilight Princess) hell I love them all. This is going to be the one game handheld or not that will constantly have my attention.

There will be many more games released like Super Street Fighter 4 : Arcade Edition, F.E.A.R 3 and more. I will have full coverage of all those titles and more, not to mention E3 is right around the corner and although I will not be going I will have my take on some announcements. Bringing you the stories revealed at E3 with my opinion and thoughts, and there will be plenty to talk about.

For those of you who care as to why I have posted anything in a while, while to sum it up I spent my time with school work. Studying, and taking finals even starting a script for a short film I will filming soon. But I promise to continue to put out posts on this site, even if not many read it.