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Monday, March 28, 2011

Top 5 movies you should be watching. Part 1. (Netflix Edition)

Do you have Netflix? If so then I have some quick picks for you, these are movies that are worthy to fill up your queue. I will be giving five mini reviews on some of the hidden treasures Netflix has to offer. Over the next three days I will be giving you my picks that should fill up your netflix queue.

Pick number 5 : Comedy

Mystery Team

Mystery team is the first feature length film created by the comedy group Derrick Comedy. Starring Donald Glover (Community, Derrick Comedy) DC Pierson(Derrick Comedy) and Dominic Dierkes(Derrick Comedy) The film follows the group of friends who at one time were well known around their neighborhood for being a mystery team. That was back when they were little children, the group still friends reach their final semester in high school while still acting the way they did when they were children. As you learn fairly early on in the movie, everyone simply hates them. Not much has aged with the team, they still follow their childhood personalities Jason(Donald Glover) is "the master of disguise", Duncan(DC Pierson) is the "boy genius" and Charlie(Dominic Dierkes) is the "strongest boy in town". However things take a interesting turn when the team is approached by a little girl. Asking the mystery team for help knowing their motto is "no mystery is big enough for the mystery team". As the child innocently asks the team to find out who killed her parents, things begin to take a turn for the worse. Having nobody take them seriously anymore, the mystery team lands a mystery that could restore peoples faith and respect in them. Deciding to take the murder mystery to prove to everyone that they are not a joke and are legitimate detectives.

Final Thoughts.
 For the comedy groups first movie, this is extremely surprising. Every scene the group is in feels natural, the chemistry they share with each other is defiantly felt. Although some of the humor can be subtle the overall experience of the movie isn't brought down. This is a indie comedy movie without a doubt, some of the acting could be better. However even with that said the material is strong, supporting roles played by actress Aubrey Plaza (Parks and recreation, Funny people) are exactly what you would expect from her. Aubrey brings her personality and awkwardness to this film, for those who don't like her as an actress don't worry she actually fits in well. If you're looking for a movie to watch with a group of friends then this is it. Overall the movie does what it wants to do, entertain you. The jokes are funny, and again for the groups first movie it is rather impressive.

Pick number 4 :Documentary 

Confessions of a superhero 

Confessions of a superhero is a documentary that follows costumed superheros on the Hollywood walk of fame. Focusing on four people in general a man named Christopher Dennis (Superman) Jennifer Wenger (Wonder Woman) Joesph McQueen (Hulk) and Maxwell Allen (Batman). We wondered if not at least were a little curious as to what those people actually do. We've all seen people dress up like superheroes and take pictures with tourist for cash, but what are those people really like outside of the costume? More importantly why did those people choose to do that for a living. In this insightful documentary you get to go behind the mask, and into the lives of those who dress like our favorite heroes. Some come from a interesting background and due to twists and turns of fate, end up on the boardwalk impersonating a comic book hero for money. Others are just failed actors who can't get work, also you get see how demanding and competitive this lifestyle really is. We quickly learn that even the mightiest of heroes can come from humble backgrounds, giving the viewer a inside look at their personal lives.

Final Thoughts
Confessions of a superhero is a interesting documentary, normally we don't question why people do things we just go with it and never ask questions. For the first time we get to see why those people do what they do for money, not to mention we get a glimpse of how much money they make. This documentary is very unique due to the fact of the subject. People who take on the image of our favorite superheroes, living their life as if the hero would live his in reality. Giving us an insight on just how frantic and depressing that burden could be. If you're looking for a documentary to watch, or just something to experience this a good place to start.

 Find out what other movies will make the top 5 Tuesday 3-29-11.

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