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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Super Street Fighter 4 3D Review!

Super Street Fighter 4 3D is one of the main launch titles for the nintendo 3DS. Is this title just a poorly done port of the console version, or does it have more to offer? Well this is somewhat of a port but not necessary a bad one. Super Street Fighter 4 3D includes every character you have on the console version, along with alternative costumes. Everything from the console version is here, including challenges, trails, trophies and icons to unlock. It may be a port but it's not a watered down one by any means.

(2D image of a 3D game)

As far as graphics go SSF4 3D looks great, except there are a few problems that hold it back from being truly stunning. The character models look sharp and crisp, each character looks just as good as his/her console counter part. However the backgrounds have taken a hit. For those who have played the console version of the game, know that the backgrounds look just as sharp as the characters. Here however the backgrounds feel a bit flat and just dull at times. For a handheld version of street fighter, its one of the best i've played. There have been other street fighter games for a handheld(street fighter alpha series for the PSP) But this is one of the best if not the best handheld port of the franchise.


(2D gameplay video)

The gameplay is exactly what you would expect out of a street fighter game. The inclusion of the thumb stick makes this even smoother, giving you full control of your character and commands. The top screen of course shows your characters, while the bottom touch screen adapts a new system. Giving you four slots to save any commands you want. Meaning you can fill the slots with your ultra combo, super combo and anything else you want allowing you to access it with a touch of a button. How natural does it feel? If you ever played the iphone version of Street Fighter 4, having the option to touch the ultra meter to do your ultra combo then you will be somewhat familiar with the touch pad. Personally I didn't find myself using the four touch pads that frequently, however I do see how it can add to the gameplay. Setting certain moves on the touch pad it can allow the player to focus on the timing of the combos, not just memorizing the commands to land them. Each character plays like their console counterpart, meaning you still have the basic controls and quarter circles for your hadoukens. Capcom did a great job adapting the control to the 3DS. (side note, they still include guiles trade mark putting his glasses on and off in the game. awesome.) 
3D Good or bad?
The 3D in SSF4 3D doesn't look bad, although its not really worth keeping it on for long. You can choose to play normally in the same side by side angle as in the console, or the "3D versus" mode where you're put in a sometimes distracting over the shoulder view. Using the 3D in the regular mode doesn't look bad, in fact it makes the character models stand out even more which gives it a nice look. When engaged in the 3D versus mode, the over the shoulder view can be fun although personally I don't see many using it when it comes to competitively play. While first using the 3D versus mode it definitely isn't bad, the 3D looks solid and game play doesn't change. However while in 3D versus mode, because you do have a over the shoulder view some times it gets in the way of you seeing your opponent. For example you could be jumping in the air, the over the shoulder view sometimes won't let you see the opponent, leaving you defenseless. Capcom really did try to make the 3D in the game legitimate and not just some gimmicky add on. It has its minor problems at time, but overall the 3D in the game looks great even if its not always needed. 

Different Modes
(2D image of a 3D game)

There are many modes to try out, although none of the modes with the exception of street pass are new. Arcade mode returns and plays exactly like it does on its console counterpart. Super street fighter 4 3D utilizes the same format as the console version on the 3DS. For those who have attempted a "quick match" on the console version know that most of the times it doesn't work, citing unable to connect or other problems. Well that transfers over to the 3DS version as well, although the custom match making does find opponents rather quick. The connection online is good, having experiencing  no lag online the game is truly impressive. While playing matches you unlock "Figure Points" or FP which allow you to unlock different figures of the characters. Why would this matter? Each character figure can be used in Street Pass. Along with each character their figure has a certain level rank, health, and attack stats. When your 3DS is in sleep mode and you walk past somebody who also has a 3DS and SSF4 3D, automatically your figures will go against each other deciding a winner based on who has the better team. You are also able to trade these figures with your friends or others via wifi. One impressive feature is the "download now" feature. You can play with someone who doesn't have the game, by doing a data transfer you can play with a friend. Although your friend will be limited to only using Ryu, it is still a very impressive and cool feature. 

The Verdict 
Capcom has continued to treat their street fighter franchise with love, although a port of a console game this is no different. Super Street Fighter 4 3D is one of the major launch titles for the 3DS and rightfully so, with its naturalistic controls and modes its as if you forgot its a handheld game. The game is responsive and the characters look great. With all this praise its also important to point out its flaws, the 3D may look good but in a 2D fighting game its kind of unnecessary. While in 3D mode at times the camera could be a bit confusing. 

The score 


The Good
  • The character models look great 
  • If you're new to the series this is a great place to start 
  • Online play is great 
  • All the trials are back and icons/trophies to unlock will keep you busy
  • Touch pad can make the game a little more interesting
  • All the characters from the console version are here
  • Plays smooth 

The Bad & The Ugly 

  • 3D isn't really necessary in a 2D fighting game
  • Backgrounds take a hit and stand out looking dull
  • If you played the console version there isn't anything really new here 

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