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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Top 5 movies you should be watching. Part 3. (Netflix Edition)

Today marks the end of the "top 5 movies you should be watching" list. Over the course of two days I've recommended some interesting movies, including Mystery Team, Confessions of a superhero, Special and Ip Man. With one movie remaining the list will be complete, there's a reason why the number one pick should be viewed. I will be breaking the movie down and telling you why it's a must see! It's hard to judge this movie as a critic and you'll see why, so I will be judging it as a regular viewer. The final movie on the list is well lets say unique, not to mention very out there. In fact it's so far out there it deserves its own genre.

Pick number 1 : Foreign/Sci-Fi/B action movie/ What the fuck!?
(Warning this review is somewhat NSFW)

RoboGeisha is the brain child of Noboru Ichuchi, for those who don't know his work well you missed out. Ichuchi is best known for his movies Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl. RoboGeisha follows the character Yoshie, who is the younger and mistreated sister of Kikue a renowned geisha. Yoshie is discovered to have hidden strength and fighting abilities. Yoshie then gets recruited into an army of geisha assassins by the rich owner of steel manufacturing company. His goals are to use the robotic assassin geisha's to create an ideal world. 

What to expect?
 (Ass-Swords, an assassins back up plan, or first choice?)

The premise of the movie is already something that makes you "what the fuck!?". Whoever decided this would be a good movie on paper, probably has the I.Q of a half beaten retarded monkey. For those who have seen Ichuchi's movies, know what to expect. For those who haven't get ready to see some gore, random placement of weapons (Penis gun in Tokyo Gore Police.) and some fucked up images that will never leave your mind again.

If it's so bad why are you highly recommending it?
With it's over the top exaggeration of violence, RoboGeisha is a pretty terrible film, but you're wondering if its bad why is it number 1? Well as stupid as this movie is, once you start watching you just can't look away. Compared to Ichuchi's previous films, RoboGeisha takes the whole "what the fuck!" cake. With its ridiculous premise, to some of the randomness the movie has to offer you will love and hate this film at the same time. Why should you care? Because there's a scene where the geisha transforms into a fucking mini tank, clearly running on what looks like Adobe After Effects. Some of the scenes in this movie make Ichuchi's Tokyo Gore Police look like a masterpiece. Scenes that leave your brain hurting with it's overwhelming stupidity, and the same time making you laugh until your face looks like this :

I have seen a lot of bad movies in my day, so bad that through that awfulness the movie became good this is no exception. If you love B horror movies or movies that will make you contemplate killing yourself over how bad it was, this is it! I have said a couple of bad things about this movie but lets get to the good parts. This movie is one of my personal favorites, due to the fact that it's so absurd.  

There aren't a lot of movies like this, and that's a good thing. RoboGeisha is the hidden gem in netflix, being overseen by a lot of people. I can't stress this enough, RoboGeisha is not a good movie, but it damn sure is a entertaining one. I mean how often do you see a building bleed? That's right, an actual building fucking bleeds. Some scenes will haunt you for a long time, even after the movies over you're bound to have one scene stuck in your head. If you do, then the movie has done its job. Skull fucking your brain away and leaving imprints of itself behind, this movie is crude and hilarious taking you on its stupid ass ride. While on that ride you can't just sit there being a critic, even I had to shut my brain off and just enjoy it for it is. RoboGeisha knows its not a serious film nor does it try to be, it knows its over the top and it embraces it. This movie was created simply for you to enjoy, so what are you waiting for? WATCH IT NOW! *Geisha Dance*
Oh before I go.
 Machine gun boob.

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