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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sucker Punch Review!


Critics Eye :

Sucker Punch the long awaited original movie by Zack Snyder has finally been released. Following the story of Baby Doll( Emily Browning) a twenty year old girl who is sent to a mental hospital by her step father. Trying to avoid being lobotomized by escaping this hell hole, Baby Doll gathers a small team of women who share the same ambition. The film co stars Abbie Cornish as Sweet Pea the doubtful older sister to 'Rocket', Jena Malone as Rocket the eager and welcoming girl, Vanessa Hudgens as Blondie a character who technically doesn't serve a meaningful purpose, and Jamie Chung as Amber the friendly token asian basically. With all the hype the movie has gained from the trailers, is the film as good as the trailers made it out to look? The simple answer is no. The movie lacks many things ranging from emotion(or lack there of) to just the god awful script. Anyone who's seen a Zack Snyder film knows what to expect, his love for slow motion which he does tend to abuse. Randomly in the movie you'll see slow motion being unnecessary used, such as a bowl of potato's falling off a table. The main problem of the movie is main actress Emily Browning. Every scene she is in, she's one emotion driven the whole movie. Leaving no trace that you should really care or can connect with her. The girls also don't seem to have any connection, they share scenes however emotionally they're as distant to each other as could be. Scenes tend to drag on and most of the time you're left confused and unimpressed, for a movie that's two hours long it has nothing to show for it. Putting the bad script aside, this just ins't a good movie. It tries to be a video game in some scenes and dramatic rendition of a video game if that. The movie is about an hour to long,  you could take this movie apart due to its many useless scenes.  Also during every fight scene music will start playing, this happens so frequently that you can't help but feel you just paid good money to watch a really long music video. The choreography is decent, nothing that blows you away or truly impresses you. The script itself has many plot holes, along with never really fully explaining some of the aspects of the movie. For example the movie never really goes into depth, describing how all the girls communicate with one another so freely in Baby Dolls imagination. As for the "Wise Man" character played by Scott Glenn, who's supposed to be man that helps these girls on their missions and be insightful? Well when he's not muttering cliche phrases at these girls, he is randomly showing up without the movies help. Meaning the movie never really gave you any idea how baby doll imaged him, who he was, or why he's there. The movie just randomly throws him in the mix without any explanation and assumes it's okay. The movie also has as awkward and sometimes hard way of explaining to the viewers whats going on, and if the scene they're watching is in reality to characters or still apart of Baby Dolls imagination. Every character in this movie seems forced, Baby Dolls at times looks lifeless and unemotional, even after completing a mission and all her friends are excited she stays in that one boring tone. As for the other girls they all seem boring as well, the character Blondie seems almost useless. Having no purpose in the film most of the girls with the exception of Sweet Pea might as well be background characters. Baby Doll and Sweet Pea are the only girls in the movie actually are given decent scenes to act in, and for most of the part the both swing in miss in those scenes. The acting as stated before is just dreadful, even with all the flashy eye candy the movie has to offer its not enough to satisfy you.

Viewers Eye :

Sucker punch is one of the worst movies to come out in theaters, rivaling The last air bender. The first five minutes of the movie made absolutely no scenes, becoming a bad music video for a cover of the song sweet dreams. The poster I used that states "you will be unprepared" is spot on, you will be unprepared, unprepared for how terrible this movie was. At many parts of the movie I was struggling to stay awake. This movie was so bad, that no amount of explosions and "hot girls" could save it. Another thing everyone is saying that this movie was just eye candy, well yes and no. Compared to the entire movie the visuals are impressive, but even then thats not much to brag about. With a storyline as creative as dirt, it's almost as if Zack Snyder wrote this script as a teenager and thought having skimpy dressed girls fighting robots would be cool enough that everyone will love it. Truth is it's honestly not that cool, especially when Zack attempts to make it something its not, awesome.
The movie just doesn't make sense, scenes just play along each other without giving any explanations. Most of the times you're just left bored, confused and asking what the fuck is going on? This movie has been one giant disappointment, I understand that the movie takes place in this blonde idiots imagination but come on. The movie has a PG-13 rating so in order to tone down the violence, Baby Doll imagines all her enemies as either a robotic samurai, steam punk robotic soldiers, or cliche iRobot robotic character molds. There a few problems with this premise, whenever a person dies in the movie instead of blood you get a face full of steam. This movie sucked plain and simple, Emily Browning either looks like she's taking a shit or about to cry, those are the only two emotions she seems capable of in this movie. Looking back at the theater behind me, there were literally 9 people in the room. Everyone walked out the same, tired, confused and not the slightest bit entertained. You can say what you want about the girls in the movie, but lets be honest a pretty face and nice body aren' t enough to save this piece of shit. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anybody, I would actually watch The Expendables than this trash. I don't even why in her imagination she would give herself such a hard time, and why the hell did a samurai have a gatling gun? What sense does that make? Fucking non. If you're looking for movie to shut your brain off and just watch, look some where else. You can defend this movie all you want but look no amount of eye candy is good enough to endure this two hour snore fest. If you like girls dressed in skimpy clothes, a badly done live action video game cutscene for fights, explosions and have the I.Q of a rattled baby then sure this movie is for you. If you on the other hand want to not regret spending your money on a bad movie then don't waste your breathe on this film.

The Score :

This movie gets a big heaping score of FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Zack Snyder managed to get everyone hyped up for a awesome movie and didn't deliver. Who ever he hired to make the trailer should be given an award, after all the trailer is awesome the actual movie however isn't. I'm sick of your lies hollywood, and Zack for your first original movie this is not how you want to do it. Hopefully you learn from your countless mistakes, although I doubt you will.



    And that's Bullshit. Vanessa Hudgens was the snitch lol

  2. lol thats true she was the snitch, then she was dead on the floor. just like her career.

  3. HAHAHHAA At least she's hot though. That's what I was saying through out the movie. -.-

  4. lol i mean that was her only redeeming quality, I was disappointing by this movie lol fuck zack snyder.
