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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Top 5 movies you should be watching. Part 3. (Netflix Edition)

Today marks the end of the "top 5 movies you should be watching" list. Over the course of two days I've recommended some interesting movies, including Mystery Team, Confessions of a superhero, Special and Ip Man. With one movie remaining the list will be complete, there's a reason why the number one pick should be viewed. I will be breaking the movie down and telling you why it's a must see! It's hard to judge this movie as a critic and you'll see why, so I will be judging it as a regular viewer. The final movie on the list is well lets say unique, not to mention very out there. In fact it's so far out there it deserves its own genre.

Pick number 1 : Foreign/Sci-Fi/B action movie/ What the fuck!?
(Warning this review is somewhat NSFW)

RoboGeisha is the brain child of Noboru Ichuchi, for those who don't know his work well you missed out. Ichuchi is best known for his movies Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl. RoboGeisha follows the character Yoshie, who is the younger and mistreated sister of Kikue a renowned geisha. Yoshie is discovered to have hidden strength and fighting abilities. Yoshie then gets recruited into an army of geisha assassins by the rich owner of steel manufacturing company. His goals are to use the robotic assassin geisha's to create an ideal world. 

What to expect?
 (Ass-Swords, an assassins back up plan, or first choice?)

The premise of the movie is already something that makes you "what the fuck!?". Whoever decided this would be a good movie on paper, probably has the I.Q of a half beaten retarded monkey. For those who have seen Ichuchi's movies, know what to expect. For those who haven't get ready to see some gore, random placement of weapons (Penis gun in Tokyo Gore Police.) and some fucked up images that will never leave your mind again.

If it's so bad why are you highly recommending it?
With it's over the top exaggeration of violence, RoboGeisha is a pretty terrible film, but you're wondering if its bad why is it number 1? Well as stupid as this movie is, once you start watching you just can't look away. Compared to Ichuchi's previous films, RoboGeisha takes the whole "what the fuck!" cake. With its ridiculous premise, to some of the randomness the movie has to offer you will love and hate this film at the same time. Why should you care? Because there's a scene where the geisha transforms into a fucking mini tank, clearly running on what looks like Adobe After Effects. Some of the scenes in this movie make Ichuchi's Tokyo Gore Police look like a masterpiece. Scenes that leave your brain hurting with it's overwhelming stupidity, and the same time making you laugh until your face looks like this :

I have seen a lot of bad movies in my day, so bad that through that awfulness the movie became good this is no exception. If you love B horror movies or movies that will make you contemplate killing yourself over how bad it was, this is it! I have said a couple of bad things about this movie but lets get to the good parts. This movie is one of my personal favorites, due to the fact that it's so absurd.  

There aren't a lot of movies like this, and that's a good thing. RoboGeisha is the hidden gem in netflix, being overseen by a lot of people. I can't stress this enough, RoboGeisha is not a good movie, but it damn sure is a entertaining one. I mean how often do you see a building bleed? That's right, an actual building fucking bleeds. Some scenes will haunt you for a long time, even after the movies over you're bound to have one scene stuck in your head. If you do, then the movie has done its job. Skull fucking your brain away and leaving imprints of itself behind, this movie is crude and hilarious taking you on its stupid ass ride. While on that ride you can't just sit there being a critic, even I had to shut my brain off and just enjoy it for it is. RoboGeisha knows its not a serious film nor does it try to be, it knows its over the top and it embraces it. This movie was created simply for you to enjoy, so what are you waiting for? WATCH IT NOW! *Geisha Dance*
Oh before I go.
 Machine gun boob.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top 5 movies you should be watching. Part 2. (Netflix Edition)

Yesterday I posted up the first part of the list. Including the movies Mystery Team and Confessions of a superhero, today I will continue the countdown to the number one movie you should watch on Netflix. Like yesterday the movies chosen will be different from one another. Which movies will be added? Look no further the two new movies added onto the list are :

Pick number 3 : Drama/Indie 

Special is movie that came out on November 21, 2008. Since then there has been a handful of movies that follow that same premise, movies such as Kick-Ass and the upcoming film Super. The movie stars Michael Rapaport (Prison break, The war at home) as the main character Les Fraken.The film follows the main character Les Franken (Michael Rapaport) a comic book fan who in the need of some cash, signs up for a experimental antidepressant. Meeting with a man named Dr. Dobson (Paul Blackthorne), who instructs Les Fraken to take one pill a day, instructing him to also keep a diary of what he experiences. Beginning his day while on the experimental drug Les Fraken feels nothing, that is until one day. Spending a night alone in his house, as he always does Les Fraken discovers he has super powers. Starting mainly with the ability to float, worried and excited Fraken goes to pay Dr.Dobson a visit. Revealing his ability to "float" however in reality Fraken isn't floating. Through his eyes he sees and feels as if he is floating, but through the eyes and perspective of Dr. Dobson, Fraken is simply laying down on the floor. Even though in reality Fraken has no real ability to do anything, in his mind he finds a purpose in his life. Having these powers Fraken decides he must use them for good, thus becoming a vigilante superhero. Nevertheless Fraken soon finds out that everything he believes isn't what it seems. 

Final Thoughts.
Lets face it, since this movie has came out there have been others like it. Kick-Ass followed a teenage kid who wondered why people don't just dress up like heroes and fight crime. What makes this movie even worth mentioning? Unlike Kick-Ass in this movie you actually feel sympathy for the main character. While in Kick-Ass whenever the main character got into a fight or badly injured, honestly you really just didn't care. In Special the main character actually "gains abilities", honestly believing his purpose in life was to be a hero. The main character is such a pathetic human being you can't help but feel bad for him. Believing he honestly has those abilities, trying to fight crime is the only time where you actually see him happy. So when he loses that you can't help but feel sorry for the guy. The movie didn't have a huge budget, and the story may be simple but it still manages to suck you in. For an indie superhero movie with a small budget, the movie is solid. Micheal Rapaport gives a honestly believable performance of a down on his dumps, depressed dreamer. If you missed this movie in theaters, do yourself a favor and give this movie a chance.         

Pick number 2 : Action

Ip Man
Ip Man is a semi biographical martial arts action film loosely based on the life of Ip Man. Ip Man was a grandmaster of the martial arts style Wing Chun. Also Ip Man was the very first person to openly teach the style, later on in life he became the mentor of Bruce Lee. Starring Donnie Yen (Shanghai Knights) as the legendary martial arts master. The film is set in the 1930s where it shows Ip Man's uprising, being a wealthy man he doesn't take on disciples seeing no need too. Spending most of his time training, or with his family. Living in Foshan Ip Man leads a peaceful life, already a established martial artist amongst his piers things start to change when the Japanese invasion starts. Life takes a turn for the worse when Ip looses his house, and wealth due to the invasion. Now taking a job as a coolie at a coal mine, life is no longer what Ip expected it to be. Seeing his people being forced to work, and even fight for food he decides to challenge ten karate black belts. Having intrigued the Japanese general, he decides to see more of Ip and his martial arts. Forcing his men to harass Ip's family.

         Final Thoughts.   
Ip Man is one of the best martial arts movie out there. Packed with some of the most entertaining fight scenes I've seen in a while. There's not many movies out there that can give you this kind of entertainment. Even if you're not an action fan, its hard for you to not be impressed and like this movie. There's a reason why this movie has gained such a strong fan base, and is one of the most well known martial arts movie out despite only being released in 2008. If you're a fan of Bruce Lee or martial arts movie, then this the movie for you. The choreography in this movie is the best you can get. Donnie Yen does a fantastic job portraying a man who would go on to influence an entire generation with his Wing Chun style. Without giving away any spoilers to the movie, what has to be noted is that every fight scene is better than the one before it. That being said this movie only becomes more and more entertaining never loosing itself in the story.        

Find out what the number 1 movie you should be watching on netflix is tomorrow! 3-30-11

Monday, March 28, 2011

Game Update : Mortal Kombat.

The first DLC (down loadable content) for the upcoming new mortal Kombat title will include Skarlett and Kenshi.
Kenshi is a blind swordsman who made his debut in Mortal Kombat : Deadly Alliance. Skarlett who technically isn't a real character to some extent is making her official debut. In the arcade version of mortal kombat 2, a glitch in the game would occasionally cause the female ninja characters costume to turn blood red. Having no official name fans dubbed her skarlett.

Top 5 movies you should be watching. Part 1. (Netflix Edition)

Do you have Netflix? If so then I have some quick picks for you, these are movies that are worthy to fill up your queue. I will be giving five mini reviews on some of the hidden treasures Netflix has to offer. Over the next three days I will be giving you my picks that should fill up your netflix queue.

Pick number 5 : Comedy

Mystery Team

Mystery team is the first feature length film created by the comedy group Derrick Comedy. Starring Donald Glover (Community, Derrick Comedy) DC Pierson(Derrick Comedy) and Dominic Dierkes(Derrick Comedy) The film follows the group of friends who at one time were well known around their neighborhood for being a mystery team. That was back when they were little children, the group still friends reach their final semester in high school while still acting the way they did when they were children. As you learn fairly early on in the movie, everyone simply hates them. Not much has aged with the team, they still follow their childhood personalities Jason(Donald Glover) is "the master of disguise", Duncan(DC Pierson) is the "boy genius" and Charlie(Dominic Dierkes) is the "strongest boy in town". However things take a interesting turn when the team is approached by a little girl. Asking the mystery team for help knowing their motto is "no mystery is big enough for the mystery team". As the child innocently asks the team to find out who killed her parents, things begin to take a turn for the worse. Having nobody take them seriously anymore, the mystery team lands a mystery that could restore peoples faith and respect in them. Deciding to take the murder mystery to prove to everyone that they are not a joke and are legitimate detectives.

Final Thoughts.
 For the comedy groups first movie, this is extremely surprising. Every scene the group is in feels natural, the chemistry they share with each other is defiantly felt. Although some of the humor can be subtle the overall experience of the movie isn't brought down. This is a indie comedy movie without a doubt, some of the acting could be better. However even with that said the material is strong, supporting roles played by actress Aubrey Plaza (Parks and recreation, Funny people) are exactly what you would expect from her. Aubrey brings her personality and awkwardness to this film, for those who don't like her as an actress don't worry she actually fits in well. If you're looking for a movie to watch with a group of friends then this is it. Overall the movie does what it wants to do, entertain you. The jokes are funny, and again for the groups first movie it is rather impressive.

Pick number 4 :Documentary 

Confessions of a superhero 

Confessions of a superhero is a documentary that follows costumed superheros on the Hollywood walk of fame. Focusing on four people in general a man named Christopher Dennis (Superman) Jennifer Wenger (Wonder Woman) Joesph McQueen (Hulk) and Maxwell Allen (Batman). We wondered if not at least were a little curious as to what those people actually do. We've all seen people dress up like superheroes and take pictures with tourist for cash, but what are those people really like outside of the costume? More importantly why did those people choose to do that for a living. In this insightful documentary you get to go behind the mask, and into the lives of those who dress like our favorite heroes. Some come from a interesting background and due to twists and turns of fate, end up on the boardwalk impersonating a comic book hero for money. Others are just failed actors who can't get work, also you get see how demanding and competitive this lifestyle really is. We quickly learn that even the mightiest of heroes can come from humble backgrounds, giving the viewer a inside look at their personal lives.

Final Thoughts
Confessions of a superhero is a interesting documentary, normally we don't question why people do things we just go with it and never ask questions. For the first time we get to see why those people do what they do for money, not to mention we get a glimpse of how much money they make. This documentary is very unique due to the fact of the subject. People who take on the image of our favorite superheroes, living their life as if the hero would live his in reality. Giving us an insight on just how frantic and depressing that burden could be. If you're looking for a documentary to watch, or just something to experience this a good place to start.

 Find out what other movies will make the top 5 Tuesday 3-29-11.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Super Street Fighter 4 3D Review!

Super Street Fighter 4 3D is one of the main launch titles for the nintendo 3DS. Is this title just a poorly done port of the console version, or does it have more to offer? Well this is somewhat of a port but not necessary a bad one. Super Street Fighter 4 3D includes every character you have on the console version, along with alternative costumes. Everything from the console version is here, including challenges, trails, trophies and icons to unlock. It may be a port but it's not a watered down one by any means.

(2D image of a 3D game)

As far as graphics go SSF4 3D looks great, except there are a few problems that hold it back from being truly stunning. The character models look sharp and crisp, each character looks just as good as his/her console counter part. However the backgrounds have taken a hit. For those who have played the console version of the game, know that the backgrounds look just as sharp as the characters. Here however the backgrounds feel a bit flat and just dull at times. For a handheld version of street fighter, its one of the best i've played. There have been other street fighter games for a handheld(street fighter alpha series for the PSP) But this is one of the best if not the best handheld port of the franchise.


(2D gameplay video)

The gameplay is exactly what you would expect out of a street fighter game. The inclusion of the thumb stick makes this even smoother, giving you full control of your character and commands. The top screen of course shows your characters, while the bottom touch screen adapts a new system. Giving you four slots to save any commands you want. Meaning you can fill the slots with your ultra combo, super combo and anything else you want allowing you to access it with a touch of a button. How natural does it feel? If you ever played the iphone version of Street Fighter 4, having the option to touch the ultra meter to do your ultra combo then you will be somewhat familiar with the touch pad. Personally I didn't find myself using the four touch pads that frequently, however I do see how it can add to the gameplay. Setting certain moves on the touch pad it can allow the player to focus on the timing of the combos, not just memorizing the commands to land them. Each character plays like their console counterpart, meaning you still have the basic controls and quarter circles for your hadoukens. Capcom did a great job adapting the control to the 3DS. (side note, they still include guiles trade mark putting his glasses on and off in the game. awesome.) 
3D Good or bad?
The 3D in SSF4 3D doesn't look bad, although its not really worth keeping it on for long. You can choose to play normally in the same side by side angle as in the console, or the "3D versus" mode where you're put in a sometimes distracting over the shoulder view. Using the 3D in the regular mode doesn't look bad, in fact it makes the character models stand out even more which gives it a nice look. When engaged in the 3D versus mode, the over the shoulder view can be fun although personally I don't see many using it when it comes to competitively play. While first using the 3D versus mode it definitely isn't bad, the 3D looks solid and game play doesn't change. However while in 3D versus mode, because you do have a over the shoulder view some times it gets in the way of you seeing your opponent. For example you could be jumping in the air, the over the shoulder view sometimes won't let you see the opponent, leaving you defenseless. Capcom really did try to make the 3D in the game legitimate and not just some gimmicky add on. It has its minor problems at time, but overall the 3D in the game looks great even if its not always needed. 

Different Modes
(2D image of a 3D game)

There are many modes to try out, although none of the modes with the exception of street pass are new. Arcade mode returns and plays exactly like it does on its console counterpart. Super street fighter 4 3D utilizes the same format as the console version on the 3DS. For those who have attempted a "quick match" on the console version know that most of the times it doesn't work, citing unable to connect or other problems. Well that transfers over to the 3DS version as well, although the custom match making does find opponents rather quick. The connection online is good, having experiencing  no lag online the game is truly impressive. While playing matches you unlock "Figure Points" or FP which allow you to unlock different figures of the characters. Why would this matter? Each character figure can be used in Street Pass. Along with each character their figure has a certain level rank, health, and attack stats. When your 3DS is in sleep mode and you walk past somebody who also has a 3DS and SSF4 3D, automatically your figures will go against each other deciding a winner based on who has the better team. You are also able to trade these figures with your friends or others via wifi. One impressive feature is the "download now" feature. You can play with someone who doesn't have the game, by doing a data transfer you can play with a friend. Although your friend will be limited to only using Ryu, it is still a very impressive and cool feature. 

The Verdict 
Capcom has continued to treat their street fighter franchise with love, although a port of a console game this is no different. Super Street Fighter 4 3D is one of the major launch titles for the 3DS and rightfully so, with its naturalistic controls and modes its as if you forgot its a handheld game. The game is responsive and the characters look great. With all this praise its also important to point out its flaws, the 3D may look good but in a 2D fighting game its kind of unnecessary. While in 3D mode at times the camera could be a bit confusing. 

The score 


The Good
  • The character models look great 
  • If you're new to the series this is a great place to start 
  • Online play is great 
  • All the trials are back and icons/trophies to unlock will keep you busy
  • Touch pad can make the game a little more interesting
  • All the characters from the console version are here
  • Plays smooth 

The Bad & The Ugly 

  • 3D isn't really necessary in a 2D fighting game
  • Backgrounds take a hit and stand out looking dull
  • If you played the console version there isn't anything really new here 

Nintendo 3DS Review!

Out of the box.
The Nintedo 3DS is finally here, but is it worth the hefty price tag of 250 dollars? After being unveiled  by Nintendo at last years E3, does it live up to the hype nintendo promised it would? Well in this review I break everything down for you. What do you exactly get in the box? As soon as you open the box you're welcomed with a group of guides, manuals and ads from nintendo. Getting past the many pieces of paper you finally get to the good stuff. 

What you have here is :

  1. The operations manual
  2. A quick - start guide
  3. Street pass and Mii Plaza packet 
  4. AR (Augmented-reality) Cards
  5. Nintendo 3DS AC adapter
  6. Nintendo 3DS charging cradle(dock) 
  7. 2GB SD memory card (already inside 3DS system)
  8. Nintendo 3DS system with stylus 

Before getting into the heavy part of the review (THE 3D) there are a few things I want to point out. Such as the charging dock, this is something I personally am really excited about. You can use this dock to charge your system, you might be asking "well why would I want to do that? I mean I can just charge my actual system." While that is true, this dock will come very handy in the long run. While your system is resting on the dock, you can leave it on sleep mode and it will remain fully charged and still able to use the "SpotPass"(not street pass) feature. Yes you can still use your system while it 's in the dock, in fact it leave your system at the perfect angle for some of the mini games.


The system itself looks bigger compared to the DSi, well because it is. Also the weight of the 3DS is slightly heavier than the DSi, however it is still lighter when compared to the DSi XL. Physically the system feels sturdy and reliable, the buttons have been reenforced to give it a more durable feel to it. Although due to its size, it can at times be a little uncomfortable to carry around in your pocket. The resolution on the menu screen looks beautiful, bright and full of colors everything seems to pop in a good way. As soon as you boot up the system you have the basic menu set up run down, luckily nintendo has fine tuned this process so it only take you about a minute. Some noticeable new features include the new joy stick and the home, start and select buttons on the bottom screen(yes they are physical buttons and not a part of the touch screen.) The volume buttons have been replaced by a slide bar similar to the 3D slider bar. One major downfall to the system is the battery life. While the DSi has the battery life of 9-14 hours on the lowest brightness setting, on the brightest setting it last about 3-4 hours. The DSi XL has a 13-17 hour battery life on the lowest brightest and 4-5 on the brightest. Very impressive indeed, the 3DS however isn't as impressive lasting 2-5 hours depending on the settings you have it under.

The 3D & working with what you have.

As all of you are probably wondering, is the 3DS really that great? Has Nintendo truly made a handheld with glasses free 3D? The answer? Well yes. The 3D does look amazing and it is really 3D however if you slightly move your vision it gets lost. Leaving you on a narrow path of vision, if you can maintain that then the 3D is truly what Nintendo hyped it up to be. Running 800 x 240 pixels in 3D mode it does look very impressive and the 3D is smooth without noticeable ghosting. Again moving off of that sweet spot will throw the 3D effect off track. Also the 3DS lets you take and view 3D photos on the system,  impressive but it should be noted that pictures are of the same quality as the DSi. I was very impressed with the 3D effect it was subtle and still seemed to stand out, using the 3D to its full extent navigating the menus have never been more appealing on the eye. 
(2D image)

Already installed in the system is Mii Maker, for those of you who have a Wii know exactly what this is.  You get to create a little Mii version of yourself and add him/her to the Mii plaza. Some of the most fun you could have on the 3DS is a already included game called face raiders. Face raiders is a game where the user takes a picture of someones face, they have to physically move around from left to right trying to shoot the floating faces. Not only is this game addicting and fun, it also utilizes the 3D effect fully making it truly fun to actually play and not just try out for 2 minutes. 

Along with the games that comes built preinstalled, the 3DS comes with the "AR Cards". Each card holding a different Nintendo character which you can use your camera to scan them. After scanning the image the character pops out of the card, where you can move them around and change poses for snap shots. The question mark card is the stand out, once scanning it offers a variety of mini games. One of the games is somewhat of a boss battle where you have to shoot arrows a dragon, as weird as it sounds it requires you to actually move around to hit certain targets.

The verdict 
All in all the Nintendo 3DS is truly a impressive system. Even with its minor problems it's an experience you have to have yourself. Although the battery life has taken a hit, it's still no enough to drag the system down. If you will be carrying this handheld around make sure to bring your adaptor and have an outlet near by. Take into consideration that due to this being a new piece of tech it does use a lot of energy, its one of the risks you take when putting out something this new. Don't let this minor set back persuade you to keep away, I'm sure it will be fixed when Nintendo releases different versions of it.(3DSi? or 3DS lite? who knows but you know Nintendo being themselves will most likely release different variations of the system.) Talking about it doesn't justify the quality of the 3D or the fun you can have with this handheld. Although the price tag is a bit high, especially considering that you can now buy a Nintendo Wii for 220$ Even taking that in effect if you really want the 3DS then upgrade from your current system. Personally speaking I love the system, the launch line up isn't exactly strong or major. Bigger titles like The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time, Star Fox 3D, and Metal Gear Solid hitting the shelves later in the year this is one investment you won't regret. The 3D is there, the experience is there and most importantly the sense that you're happy is there. Nothing i've encounter was a major enough problem that would make me feel truly unhappy with the 3DS. 

The Score


The Good

  • Feels sturdy and durable 
  • 3D effect looks great with no ghosting when focused 
  • Doesn't feel like a gimmick
  • Built in games are fun 
  • Easy to use
  • Reenforced buttons feel improved from DSi  
  • Graphics look crisp 
  • AR Cards are a welcomed distraction 
  • Interesting new modes like street pass

The bad and the ugly

  • The battery life is too short, you're going to have to constantly charge it if you plan to enjoy the 3D for a extended time period
  • Weak lunch titles
  • Having to constantly focus on the sweet spot without moving much to enjoy the 3D 
  • Extended 3D play while moving away from the sweet spot frequently could cause headaches

Saturday, March 26, 2011

PAUL Movie Review.

PAUL is a movie about two British nerds who travel to San Diego Comic Con, who along the way encounter a foul mouthed alien. Starring common comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz) who also together wrote the script, also starring Seth Rogen (Pinapple Express, The Green Hornet) As Paul. Greg Mottola (Superbad, Adventureland) is the director of this film, who brings some of his many familiar traits to the film. The movie centers around the characters Clive Gollings(Nick Frost) and Graeme Willy(Simon Pegg) two british nerds who dreamt of traveling to the biggest comic book convention, San Diego Comic Con. Both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost automatically have that unique connection they share with each other, having been in many movies together nothing more is expected but that sense of true friendship between the two. After experiencing the convention the traveling duo decide to take a road trip to the biggest extraterrestrial spots.(i.e Area 51, the black mailbox.) Along the way our two protagonist begin to enter in a series of "fim" events otherwise known as realistically unbelievable events. They bump into two redneck characters who automatically come off as homophobic stereotypical american rednecks (wearing traditional redneck attire, drives a truck called "The Fuck Mobile" and is immediately hostile.) After having some misfortune  with the rednecks they continue their journey. It's not until they actually meet the character paul that their adventure truly begins and the movie picks up. As the trip to get Paul back home ensues so does the heavy laughs. The CGI on Paul is something to admire, given the fact that paul himself looks like a generic drawing of the same cartoon and twilight zone-ish alien we've all seen. Even when taking that into account Paul's movements and facial expressions are top notch. Scenes where he physically interact with the human characters don't look tacky or fake. You can really get a sense that although you know he's not really there,  it still feels right and real. The movie borrows itself from other famous movies and even parodies it, movies such as E.T, Star Wars (There were countless star wars and star trek references in the movie some were hidden.) But of course with every comedic science fiction movie you have the group of idiotic bad guys. This movie is no different, the villains include Jason Bateman as special agent zoil. Bateman tends to surprise you in some scenes, truth be told his character is kind of a bad ass. Along with Bateman you have two other agents to serve as the comic relief next to Zoil. Bill Hader(SNL, Adventureland) and Joe Lo Truglio (Role Models) are the idotic and honestly semi funny agents who tag along unexpected. In total the film is kind of a hit and miss, sometimes it tends to beat you over the head with movie/sci fi references so frequently it doesn't give you a chance to breathe. Even with that small problem the movie in itself is still funny. For a comedy movie from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost you kind of have to know what to expect. If you liked Shaun of the dead you will most likely think this movie is funny, if you're a geek or a nerd then you will most likely think this movie is funny. This is a movie that knows its targeted audience and knows them well, the movie may have tiny quirks however as a whole its one of the most enjoyable movie you can possibly see. The humor is there and the chemistry between everyone feels natural and none of it is forced. If you're looking for a movie to just gaze at, relax and have a good laugh then this is it.  Paul gets a Ticket Price, worth seeing in theaters especially if you're with friends.